Should we surgically remove the appendix upon birth because it may one day get inflamed and pose a helath risk?
Yan Bibiyan
JoinedPosts by Yan Bibiyan
To circumcise or not to circumcise?
by srd inhere's a good one for you, looking at gen 17 and paul's subversive interpretive practices.
To circumcise or not to circumcise?
by srd inhere's a good one for you, looking at gen 17 and paul's subversive interpretive practices.
Yan Bibiyan
Eff no!
Man sues church for split in marriage
by wasblind in.
New Member-Active Elder
by Promitheas ini'm a new member & i'd like to say hi to everyone, intoducing myself.. i am a 3rd generation born-in at mid 50's & an active elder.. english is not my mother language, so pls ignore any grammatical errors.
i live in a small country in europe.. i'd like to thank you for all information posted.
some of them have rally helped me to understand and examine again my beliefs.. last new light concerning f&ds=gb has verified the idea that they are popes in the position op pope.. i still believe in god & in his son jesus christ but not in the gb..
Yan Bibiyan
Hello Promitheas, welcome to the family.
I am also from a small European country, although not an Elder.
You will find wealth of information here and a diverse bunch of people. Tell us more about you as circumstances allow.
Are we on the brink of another world war?
by slimboyfat ini don't want to be an alarmist or anything... .
but i read this article in the economist today that argued it is only a matter of time until china and japan exchange shots over some small islands in between the two countries, it could escalate to full scale war, and the united states is treaty bound to come to aid of japan.
on top of that the united states is making diplomatic visits to various countries borderning china in a move that is viewed extremely negatively in beijing.
Yan Bibiyan
Too globalized for this to happen, IMO.
Everyone now has skin in the game.
The "Pop-In"
by Mr. Falcon inso last night the wife is working, the kids are getting ready for bed and i'm watching futurama.
doorbell rings.
now it's dark, snowing and i live on a back road, so it's very odd to have a visitor.
Yan Bibiyan
What rip van winkle said^^^^^^^
Yet, the bozo that tried to indoctrinate me few yeas ago, keeps showing up unanounced (and standing at the door) time after time....doesn't it dawn on him to maybe call ahead next time (he still has my phone number)...
Elders finally took me to the back room...
by OneDayillBeFree inafter several months of leaving the meetings as soon as they ended or only staying for "the first meeting" then leaving the "second part", the elders finally cornered me at last night's meeting.. they said they were concerned about me and that being that i am a young brother in a recently divided congregation they saw so much potential in me to help out the congregation and become a ms.. i told them i was thankful for their thinking of me to help the congregation but that at the moment i could not due to my job.
then the began asking personal questions that got on my nerves.. they asked where i worked and how much i made.
they asked if i was going to college and what i was studying and for how long.
Yan Bibiyan
Umm, how do I say this nicely....ummm....f*#k them!
Great idea with the app....what are the chances some college kid developed this one. That's why they hate higher education
New Article regarding the Global Flood of Noah
by jwfacts ini have put together a new article regarding whether the global flood of noah is possible.
it utilises a lot of information from threads on jwn, and some of you may recognise your own comments.
please feel free to proof read, make suggestions, provide further references, etc..
Yan Bibiyan
Also another Idea I've heard and it's very possible...
Yep, heard that one too - that god does not exist and the whole story is an embelished bronze age myth.
New Article regarding the Global Flood of Noah
by jwfacts ini have put together a new article regarding whether the global flood of noah is possible.
it utilises a lot of information from threads on jwn, and some of you may recognise your own comments.
please feel free to proof read, make suggestions, provide further references, etc..
Yan Bibiyan
"it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion"
Oh, the irony.....
And pointing out that clearing this 40 days vs. 150 days thingy gives the bible credibility, despite the 199 other things that completely discredit Noah's accout, is somewhat intelectually dishonest, no?
New Article regarding the Global Flood of Noah
by jwfacts ini have put together a new article regarding whether the global flood of noah is possible.
it utilises a lot of information from threads on jwn, and some of you may recognise your own comments.
please feel free to proof read, make suggestions, provide further references, etc..
Yan Bibiyan
Yep, "Shame on you!"
(for using your brain)....